Zifan Wang's Homepage

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Zifan Wang
Doctoral Student
Division of Decision and Control
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Email: zifanw [@] kth [DOT] se
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About me

I am currently a third-year Ph.D. student affiliated with Division of Decision and Control Systems (DCS) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. I am fortunate to jointly work with Prof. Karl H. Johansson at KTH and Prof. Michael M. Zavlanos at Duke University. Before that, I received both the master and bachelor degrees at Honors School of Harbin Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Ligang Wu and Prof. Guanghui Sun.


I work on Optimization Theory, and its interface with Game Theory, Control Theory and Machine Learning. Some of my current research projects include risk-averse and distributional robust optimization.
